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Writer's pictureStacey Whale

Exhibiting at the XIV Florence Biennale Exhibition & Awards 2023

Recently Stacey was delighted to receive confirmation that she has been accepted to participate in the XIV FLORENCE BIENNALE - Visual Arts - Exhibition & Awards 2023.

The Florence Biennale is the major contemporary art and design exhibition in Florence and one of the world’s leading contemporary art exhibitions taking place at the Fortezza da Basso (Florence, Italy) from 14th to 22nd October 2023. I CAN’T WAIT!

LETTER OF CONFIRMATION FROM THE FLORENCE BIENNALE CURATORIAL BOARD: We are glad to announce that artist Ms. Stacey Whale has been admitted by our Curatorial Board to participate in the XIVth Florence Biennale, which will take place at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy, from the 14 to 22 October 2023.

The Florence Biennale is the major contemporary art and design exhibition in Florence where it is regarded as an outstanding showcase of the international contemporary art and design production. In the last twenty-five years, the Florence Biennale has offered to all participating artists and designers an extraordinary intercultural and interdisciplinary experience. In recognition of this commitment, the Florence Biennale has been included in the program "Dialogue between civilizations" by the United Nations in 2001, and has obtained the patronage of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in 2017.

Each exhibitor will have a dedicated page in the Official Catalogue of the XIVth Florence Biennale (published by Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori) and will compete for the "Lorenzo il Magnifico" International Award (for Art) and/or for the “Leonardo da Vinci Award (for Design), conferred by an International Jury, as well as for other Special Awards. Moreover, within the framework of the Florence Biennale, the "Lorenzo il Magnifico Lifetime Achievement Awards" (Art) and the "Leonardo da Vinci Lifetime Achievement Awards" (Design) are conferred to individuals who have reached pinnacles of artistic achievement for their contribution to culture: Marina Abramović, Gustavo Aceves, Refik Anadol, Sauro Cavallini, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, David Hockney, El Anatsui, Arata Isozaki, Salvatore & Wanda Ferragamo, Ferrari & Pininfarina, Gilbert & George, Anish Kapoor, Elsa Peretti (Tiffany & Co.), Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paula Scher, Oliviero Toscani, Vivienne Westwood and Franco Zeffirelli are among the recipients of the past editions. The Lifetime Achievement Awards recipients are invited as guests of honour to the biennial, during which they meet the participating artists and designers and receive the award in a public ceremony.

The XIVth Florence Biennale will engage participating artists, designers and visitors in a rich programme

of collateral events, performances, screenings, workshops, conferences, and lectures relating to the theme of the new edition: I Am You. Individual and Collective Identities in Contemporary Art and Design. We welcome sponsoring initiatives aimed at enabling artists and designers to participate in the Florence Biennale, therefore we would be grateful if you will support Ms. Stacey Whale to take part in this event. In that case, the name and logo of the sponsor will be published in the official catalogue and website of the Florence Biennale, while several other benefits are shown in the official documentation reserved to participating artists and designers.

Thank you very much for your attention and support and please get in touch with Stacey directly if you can offer her sponsorship or any financial assistance.


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